As a Schoolwide Title I school, Leeds Public School conducted the annual Title I review meeting on Tuesday, May 21st. Parents, teachers, and administration participated in the review meeting of school academic achievement data, survey, engagement data as well as goal progress from the school year and academic goals leading into the 2024-25 school year. Below are the minutes from the meeting.
Leeds Public School District
Documentation of Annual Review Meeting
On May 21, 2024, the Annual Spring Title I Review Meeting was held at 3:45 pm in the Leeds School Cafeteria. Presentations were made by our Superintendent Jeff Manley and our Title I Instructor Janel McGarvey. Almost all Pre-K – 6th grade Elementary staff were in attendance except for our 4th grade teacher who was unable to attend.
Agenda Items:
· Information regarding the Comprehensive Needs Assessment and its pertinence to our school was distributed.
· 2023-2024 Schoolwide Goals were reviewed through discussion of provided handouts. An analysis was executed of the implementation, achievement, and productiveness of goals, as well as the incompletion to fullest extent of certain goals.
· We reviewed the Coordination of other Programs within Leeds School.
· Findings from the parent and family engagement survey were shared.
· We examined the academic data obtained through NDSA and Fast Bridge.
· An update regarding our implementation of the MTSS structure was given.
· Lauren Follman, our School Counselor, provided a synopsis on the implementation of goals in relation to behavioral/social emotional behavior (PBIS/MTSS Behaviors).
· A discussion of instructional strategies within elementary classrooms and the Title program was conducted. We evaluated the implementation of CKLA, our new reading curriculum. Input was shared as to the effectiveness of the program, the results of assessments used within the program, and the weaknesses which will need to be addressed in the upcoming academic year.
· A report on our school’s attendance was provided.
Meeting Minutes:
After a thorough discussion on the above items, it has been determined that the following changes will take place during the 2024-2025 school year regarding the schoolwide plan and its initiatives.
· A goal of the 2023-2024 school year was the implementation of Fast Bridge, a new assessment tool for our school. We were able to conduct a pilot run of this program in the spring semester. Based on data obtained, our data analysis committee was able to determine there exists an overall performance weakness among our students within the realms of phonemic awareness and phonics instruction. Therefore, we will continue to identify programs to specifically zone in on this academic content area which can be implemented during our MTSS intervention time. Our goal is to find adequate supplemental resources to purchase and put in place for interventions. We also discussed groupings among students to best meet individual needs during our ongoing implementation of MTSS across all grade levels, K-12. Our goal within this realm is to make sure that our designated intervention time will bring about individualized improvement among our students within this realm of reading. Evidence as to whether this goal of improvement is being met will be obtained through the analysis of ongoing data collection through Fast Bridge.
· To help our teaching staff better interpret student assessment results, we will focus on analyzing student scores and assessment data through monthly PLC meetings. Thus, our goal is to establish these meetings to interpret data and to use this information to further drive instruction and interventions within the 2024-2025 school year.
· A goal of the 2023-2024 school year was to implement our new reading curriculum within the elementary. Based on discussion held during the annual Title I review meeting; we have determined that supplemental instruction needs to be put in place to support weaknesses evidenced through our Fast Bridge results. Fast Bridge indicated a general trend of some risk to high risk below the goal line within areas of phonemic awareness and phonics and fluency. Teachers agreed that CKLA provides a strong knowledge base but presents weaknesses in phoneme, grapheme, and phonics instruction. UFLI has been purchased with the goal of using this program to support our reading curriculum and provide additional phonemic awareness and phonics instruction. Additionally, our lower elementary staff has completed a year of LETRS training. This training appears to be beneficial to drive instruction so another goal would be to implement strategies learned through LETRS training within the classroom to increase reading/ELA achievement levels for all students. Some staff members have completed the full 2-year LETRS training while other staff will complete the final year during the 2024-2025 school year.
We will continue with our initiatives in the following areas:
· A goal of the 2023-2024 school year was the implementation of Fast Bridge, a new assessment tool for our school. We were able to conduct a pilot run of this program in the spring semester. Based on this, we want to extend our goal of implementation into the 2024-2025 school year.
· A goal of the 2023-2024 school year was to increase reading/ELA achievement levels for all students. This is an ongoing effort that should be put in place for the 2024-2025 school year as evidenced by assessment data.
· We will continue to host reading and math parent participation events.
We will determine our effectiveness by:
· Reviewing assessment data to help create the best learning environment for our students.
· Using data to drive instruction and interventions.
· Gathering parental and staff input on the programs being implemented.